Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Y-Town Visit

Per my last post you are aware Tim and I traveled to Ohio/Pennsylvania for Grandma Fitch's passing.  As I predicted, her life was remembered with great fondness and insurmountable love.  Grace Fitch was truly an amazing woman and a quiet inspiration.  Despite the circumstances surrounding our visit we had a good time with Tim's family and even saw family I've never even met!

This is the Williams crew.  In the middle are Uncle Dick & Aunt Jean (who is Tim's dad's sister).  The 3 on the left are Mike, Karla and their daughter Clarisse and the 4 on the right are Kevin, Janet, Chad and Karen.  They're all a lot of fun.

Uncle Chuck & Aunt Kathy.  Uncle Chuck is one of the brothers.

All of the siblings.  Rick, Tim (father-in-law), Jean & Chuck

All of us except Grandpa.  He was understandably exhausted.

The immediate fam.  L-R: Jeff, Mike, Tabitha, mother-in-law Ruth, Shannon, father-in-law Tim, moi and Tim aka TJ aka Tigger.  hehe..he's gonna kill me.

That's pretty much all of us.  There were a few missing.  Maybe they're camera shy?  I don't know what that is personally.  

I have to tell a quick & funny story.  After the funeral and committal ceremony everyone was invited back to the church for some food.  Grandpa Fitch was making his way around the room.  He loves to visit with people and is constantly ministering even in his pain.  He made his way over to our table and started telling stories.  By the way, never interrupt Grandpa when he's telling a story.  Listen politely and nod your head laughing when appropriate.  I've never made this mistake but others have and he will put you in your place.  Quite funny to see.  Anyway, he started to tell a story of a woman and how he went to her funeral.  His speech became sad and then he said "oh wait, it wasn't her funeral, it was her birthday!  Well, she's 90.  She should be dead anyway".  I about fell out of my chair!  Snorts abounded after that and I couldn't stop.  

Tim and I did get to see other family while up north.  Some of my family was gathered at my aunt's house for my cousin Erin's birthday.  Warning: cuteness below and lots of pictures.

Yummy bday cake with little terds on it.

My cousin Erin and her daughter Ava.  With that many candles you need a helper :)

Someone acted like they'd NEVER cut cake before.  Believe me, this family loves cake.


I think as a mother you must never be able to open presents in peace. 

Baby Landon.  He was a ham.

Ava with Uncle Andrew.  Isn't it weird to be called an uncle?

A genius in the making.  As Emily commented, "I bet he won't have any problems stacking the tupperware correctly."  This must be an issue in their household.

I always loved having my hair french braided and always wanted to learn how to do it.  I never did but love to watch it being done.

We also visited our friend Courtney.  Courtney was one of Tim's best men and I've known Courtney for almost as long as I've known Tim.  He made us a wonderful stew for dinner and of course the cameras came out.  He's an amazing photographer so if you live in Ohio/PA call him.  That's not a request, it's a demand but in a nice loving tone.  Check out his work on Flickr.  Now.  He feeds my narcissism.  There were a ton of photos taken and currently he's working on edits for a wedding he shot so as soon as he can he'll work on the photos he took during our mini shoot. 

My Thai Paparazzo


One of the shots he took.  I love it!

The trip was bittersweet and we had a good time but there's no place like home.  Especially when you come back to this.

I had to include these.  It's necessary.  Don't argue with me.  It'll be futile.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Death Bell Will Toll

If you clicked on this to read because of the title, you're morbid and that's why you're my friend. 

Unfortunately, Tim and I are headed to Ohio for the second time this year because someone passed away.  This time it's for Tim's grandma.  She's been sick for awhile now with dementia and Alzheimer's.  Everyone knew she wouldn't be with us too much longer but it's still sad.  She was a wonderful woman and extremely kind and caring.  I remember when I was dating Tim we would have dinner with his grandparents regularly on Sunday afternoons.  She was always interested in what was going on and made the most fantastic food...from scratch.  Her servants heart never let her sit down at the table!  She was constantly making sure we had everything we needed.  Seeing her decline so swiftly in the past couple of years was difficult.  

But here is the good news.  She's in heaven and no longer in pain.  Right now her mind is sharp as a tack and so we will be celebrating her life, reminiscing with happy stories of her life on this earth.  Grandpa Fitch always has a story to tell even if we've heard it a few times or a few hundred.  We always laugh like we haven't heard it before.  I remember when my grandma passed away earlier this year.  The family was together and that rarely happens so we had fun.  Even during the visiting hours as guests were coming through giving their condolences we were snickering about who knows what.  I'm sure some of the people walking through were appalled at our nonchalant attitude.  It's not that we weren't sad but we knew where she was.  

A picture of my grandma.  Wasn't she grand?

During my grandma's funeral people talked and talked about how absolutely wonderful she was and I believe them.  I'm sure we will hear the same sentiments this weekend about Grandma Fitch.  It makes me wonder what people will say about me when I pass.  I don't aspire to be a legend.  But I do hope for happy memories and not just all bad ones.  I don't expect some people to show up.  The girl I punched in the stomach when I was 8 (disclaimer: she asked me to do it) or the girl who's hamster I dropped and killed.  I've definitely made a few enemies but I'm also pretty lovable too so people forgive me often which is a good thing.  But I seriously do think about what impact I have and realize there isn't much so now I'm at a juncture where I think about what I can do to change that.  I don't have an answer yet.  But I'll start small at first.  No reason to get crazy. 

Hamster killer,

Friday, November 5, 2010

120 of Love

I've introduced you to them before but you should see them again because they're just so darn cute!  They're not allowed to sleep in the bed often but every once in awhile we weaken. 

Our youngest, Lulu.  Nickname: Lulu Bean.  And she's crazy.  Can you see it in her eye?  Right now she's thinking of her Plan M to catch the black cat next door.  She may not look it but her bark and growl is the scariest thing you'll ever hear.  If you ever walk around the perimeter of our house you'll witness it firsthand.  Good luck and may you walk away unshaken.

There is a dog under there.

He's not very happy I called his name so he'd come out from his warm cocoon.

Mom, you're embarrassing yourself by taking pictures of us constantly.  Nobody cares, nobody cares.

I'm done with you.

*sigh*  Look at those eyes.   You'd think that this manly pup would be the scary one.  He can definitely sound scary but he's the biggest pushover in the world.  And he's part pit.  Never judge a breed by the name.  You can only judge a breed by its owners(s).  If you've met him you know he's the gentlest dog that just wants to be held and cuddled.  I oblige him.

Seriously.  I don't know how anyone ever gave him up.  

These two absolutely kill me and they don't get enough of my attention on a daily basis.  It must be remedied.  They love me no matter what I do and I can tell them anything and they don't judge.  I think it's cuddle time.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Happens in St. Germain Doesn't Stay in St. Germain

I love my sisters more than I love Reese's Peanut Butter cups which is truly saying a lot.  Technically I *should* love them more but I do know some people that don't get along as well with their family as I do mine.  I've been told that the relationship I have with my sisters is a rare and beautiful thing.  I agree.  Life turns interesting when we're together.  We act goofier and may get on the nerves of the people around us but we could really care less.

At the beginning of October we were all together.  This is rare as we live in Ohio, Wisconsin and South Carolina.  Living this far apart sucks popcorn balls so when we do see each other it's very special.  I'm still waiting on my brother-in-law Eric to get rich and buy a jet so we can save on airfare.  Below is a peek into some of things that are said while we hang out.  These are actual quotes from our weekend in Wisconsin.  You are privileged.  Enjoy.

Leah: Do the people that live here full time have a nickname?
Eric: Yes, residents

Liz: Can you stop sticking your hand down my pants?
Eric: nope

Sarah: I'd rather have no memories than crappy ones

Liz: I'm quite the fisher-lady

Leah: Do you want chocolate in your bottom?  (we were making coffee and mixing in hot choc powder)

Sarah: I gotta pee
Leah: Is that why you're humping the counter?

Leah: I think I'm drooling but I can't tell (eating s'mores)

Sarah to Leah about a makeout session she had in high school: All four of you were making out?

Liz: I've got thighs like a horse (I have *no* idea what this was in reference to)

We also wrote down some quotes where it deserved a "that's what she said".  I'm not sure you're strong enough to handle this list so I'll save it for a day when I'm feeling more sassy.

The statue behind us is an Indian Chief.  We're so disrespectful.

Later Gators.  

Monday, November 1, 2010

Where Have You Been?

I've been here all along.  I just haven't posted but have decided to give it a go again because it's therapeutic.  The year of 2010 has been altering.  My last real post was about dreams and I'm happy to say I accomplished one of them!  The maid thing hasn't worked out yet.  I'm still trying to negotiate that one with the CFO with not much luck.  But I am now a photographer that gets paid!  Woohoo!  It's not full time and I'm happy where I am in the process.  I'm not sure I'll ever take it full time.  Time will tell.  I have a fan page on Facebook and a photo blog AND a Flickr account.  Alright, moving on because I know you're seated on the edge of wherever your butt is to hear about my 2010. 

LIfe started to take quite the turn in December.  August through December is sort of a blur actually but I remember December vividly.  The company I worked for closed its doors.  Not all of us were 100% shocked but it was still sad to see the end come to fruition.  Of course most companies where a lot of the management spends money like it grows on trees can only last so long but I won't go into that.  Most of you have heard those stories.  Losing your job ain't great but unfortunately so many have gone through that and much worse.  The free time in combination with no money made me a bit crazy but cutting back was good.  We ate a lot of rice & beans and didn't eat a ton of it so I lost a lot of weight - big plus!  I believe I wrote a blog post about nothing fitting.  

January brought a new job with a company that actually COMPETED with my old company.  They hired 18 of us so when I walked in I was walking in to family.  It was home and it was wonderful.  I continue to say that the old company shutting down was a blessing in disguise.  The last year of the old job was miserable!  Everyone was grumpy, including me, which I know is hard for you to believe.  These are most of my new work peeps. 

I've had a great time this year.  I got back into the gym, I spent a lot of time with friends.  My little sister Leah got married!  There was much, um, fun around that like all weddings.  The planning, the drama, the pure joy.  My grandma passed away after battling cancer.  Unfortunately she passed away before my sister got married but she was respectfully remembered at the ceremony. 

We had a good time and Grandma, we missed you!

After the wedding fun was over it was summertime!  I took full advantage of my summer which meant I didn't stay home much.  There was Blueberry Frog to try for the first time and a boat to be on every weekend.  Plus...PLUS, our best friends from Florida moved to Charlotte in the fall of '09 so we got to spend a lot of time with them which is such a blessing!  No dull moments for me this summer.

Maybe a little dancing was involved...

Greek Festival Downtown

Ingrid Michaelson concert - love her!

It's actually a pain to add these photos so I'm going to stop.  If you're crazy interested just visit me on Facebook.  You have to be a friend to see any photos.  Maybe I'll accept your friend request...maybe I won't.

Throughout this year I've met new friends and lost some old ones.  I have learned growing up can be painful but it's all a learning process.  I never want to stop learning.  I'm looking forward to what 2011 teaches me. 

Year in review:
  • new job - same place, same faces, less Dr. Jekel and Mr. Hyde
  • wedding planning complete with bridal party drama and smackdowns
  • business cards!
  • lots of bunco's and girls nights
  • greek festival with gyros!  i love gyros!
  • Blueberry Frog for the first time...I need to get my free yogurt btw!
  • gym rat and boot camp survivor
  • new friends
  • tons o' fun with the Foster's such as the zoo, football, apple picking, cooking out, shopping, Madden, Wii...the list doesn't end.
  • some photography including new gigs: real estate photos & a senior shoot.
  • flippy floppies & swim trunks
  • sister time in Wisconsin
  • Dad time in Myrtle Beach
Yeah, that's it.  I hope to be back more often!  If not, I'll see you at the end of 2011.