Monday, September 29, 2008


I'm about to go on my daily walk with Flash. I use the word daily loosely although I am pretty good about going every evening..almost. There is this annoyance that hits me though before going on a walk...being accosted by children who want to pet Flash and tell me all about their lives. The petting is okay but I'm not one for small talk with an 8 year old. It's an awkward turtle moment. So, I'm left with either avoiding that section of the neighborhood, stopping politely or peaking down the street to see if they're around. Our neighborhood isn't very big and I want Flash to get a decent walk so I usually head down towards that end just waiting for the kid to yell, "Hey Flash". My eyes roll at the thought.

Over the weekend we were taking such a walk and I decided to brave it. I didn't see any little heads or hear any little voices so I took a chance. Oh we were so close to being home free. I was almost tiptoeing past the street and making sure his collar didn't make any noise just holding my breath. Then I heard the little squeals. Oh joy. My feet decided to move a little faster and I heard the greeting but acted like I had suddenly become deaf and just kept walking. Thank goodness they can't leave their street or I'm sure they would've come running after me.

You must be thinking I'm awful but I'm not and I do like kids but making small talk with a child I don't know is frustrating especially since at this point during the walk I'm mid-way, annoyed and out of breath due to my lack of exercise and healthy eating habits. They're virtually non-existent.

So wish me luck as I endure another journey through the neighborhood in fear of being accosted.


PS. I'm well aware of the concept of Karma and have no doubt my children will be the worst accosting offenders in my neighborhood.


  1. I just don't even know what to say. It's cute that the kids know Flash, but I can understand the frustration of just wanting to get the "chores" done. The kids in our apartment complex smack our car as we drive by. It's like a game to see if they can all touch the car before we drive away. Eric slows down so they can all get a touch in. :-)

  2. At least he's nice and laid back about it. I just don't like them.
