Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Adulthood: It Welcomes You

This past week I turned the big 3-0. My age has never mattered to me before and turning 30 has not changed that. In fact, I often get my age wrong when people ask. Sometimes I make myself older. But when you turn 30 there is the teasing and goading of arriving at this stage in life. Unfortunately to the teasers and goaders I do not fall prey. I can be pretty uptight about some things but age isn't one of them. It is interesting to hear what people have to say though.

A friend of a friend wished me a happy birthday and told me "the good Lord gave me a wrinkle and a gray hair on her 30th birthday". Well, the good Lord must love me more because the wrinkles haven't made an appearance yet and the gray hair didn't show least not on the day of but more of that later. My sister told me that there is a girl in her church that experienced a meltdown of sorts when turning 26. Holy crow! 26??!! Can you imagine that poor girl turning 30? She'll be in a straight jacket and padded room. Bless her heart.

Apparently when you turn 30 you're allowed to freely speak your mind. If someone gets on your nerves you can tell them they're getting on your nerves and to leave you alone instead of asking nicely or just ignoring the feeling of wanting to punch them. I don't believe I can speak my mind anymore than I already did starting at around 28. I am way ahead of the free speech game. I'm sure there were some people, namely Tim, that was hoping 30 would have an opposite effect. The hope that I would become agreeable, soft spoken, demure, ladylike. *insert a laugh and a snort*. Yeah, that ain't gonna happen. The only change I was hoping for was less acne and that hasn't kicked in yet. Really? At 30 years old I can't have less acne? Have mercy.

I do believe some of my friends were more pumped at me turning 30 than I was. It is an exciting time but lets be honest, I'm not in my prime anymore. My prime was about 24-26 and I will never see those years again. This only bothers me every great once in awhile but not due to my age. Age is just a number and as someone told me, "thirty is the new tween". I think I like him. He's a smart guy.

When it comes down to it, how old I am doesn't matter to me but I love birthdays because I love presents. And turning 30 means you get presents and a lot more than when you're 29 or 31. Next year will suck. I want to turn 30 over and over and over again. Does this mean I have to wait until I'm 40 until that goodness comes my way again? That is for the birds. I believe everyone should receive a multitude of presents every birthday. Thankfully, I have wonderful friends and family. They know me well and fed my love language of gift receiving. I felt absolutely gluttonous.

Back to the gray hair. It was the day AFTER and my friend was talking to me at work at my desk. She made a small noise out of her mouth (she does this often so I don't get alarmed) and looked at me funny. Then I had to ask her what was wrong. She proceeded to lean over and tell me I had a gray hair to which I was shocked and horrified! Thankfully she was there to notice the ONE white hair and pluck it for me before they multiplied? Oh wait, don't they multiply when you pluck them. Oh whatever. The good Lord still loves me.

Climbing the hill,

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