Tim and I lived in Florida for a bit and Southwest Florida has its share of stupid drivers. There is your 'I'm too old to drive' group which you expect because it's south Florida and then there are the 'I'm so cool' group who show up everywhere but these two groups do NOT mix well. The old drivers insist on taking their good ol' time moseying down the main freeway (only 4 lanes btw) at the most inopportune times of the day. Rush hour. They are in no hurry but the dangerous part of this is they go below the speed limit, which is about 75. Any person driving the speed limit is going to encounter these folk and inevitably you will have to slam on your brakes or slow down considerably because Mr. False Teeth thinks the sign reads 35. Even a patient person becomes quickly irritated. Then mix in the "cool" group. They are quite the opposite and feel the need for speed. They whip in and out of cars like a race track and give absolutely no consideration to others around them. They also don't care if you're going 90 mph. This means they have to go faster and will come up right on your tail, honking and flashing their lights. In most places you have a good mix of drivers. Yes, there are older drivers and dangerous drivers but for the most part people are rational. Too bad this isn't the case in Florida.
Admittedly, I have flashed my lights at people who were in the left lane going the speed limit or below. This is shameful I know. I blame Florida on my road rage that I carry with me today. Anyone who has been a passenger in my car knows how much I abuse the word moron in reference to other horrible drivers. If someone isn't driving how I think they should I feel there is a great injustice that must be addressed. Why do people insist on driving slow in the passing lane? Injustice. Why don't these morons get over when they see you trying to merge on the freeway? Injustice. Where do they get off cutting in front of me? Injustice. Can the girl in front of me not keep a normal speed limit when on the phone?
As you can see I have some pent up agitation which I hope will not result in me going off on someone someday. Why can't everyone drive as perfectly as me?
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