Sunday, July 19, 2009


There is a certain amount pressure on people to have dreams and goals. This comes about with fathers that have high expectations, the hundreds of motivational books and of course, New Years Eve. When someone has asked me what my dreams and goals are I've been annoyed because I have never been a forward thinker of more than about 5 seconds. My dreams? Well, last night I had one about a clown chasing me. Goals? Try not to fart in public. I don't think that's what people mean although the last one could be taken seriously.

It seems to me that people with dreams and goals become angry with themselves when they don't achieve the numbered items on the list. This is why I don't write down dreams and goals for myself, never have, most likely never will. Therefore when I don't accomplish said goals I won't be disappointed in myself. I already disappoint myself daily with the little things. Tim thinks this is appalling and has never understood my refusal to make goals and have dreams.

As of late though I have been dreaming of becoming a photographer, one good enough to actually have people pay me for it. One usually needs a bit of self confidence to realize their dreams and self confidence is something I lack. Sure, it may look like I have self confidence but this is a ruse. Do not be fooled. This whole photography thing is just a dream right now and maybe I will become bold enough to make it a goal in life.

Oh, my other dream is to have a maid. Ah, to have a maid. Then I wouldn't have to feel guilty sitting here writing a post while my kitchen is in serious disarray.

1. be a good photographer
2. get a maid

There, it is written.


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