Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Happens in St. Germain Doesn't Stay in St. Germain

I love my sisters more than I love Reese's Peanut Butter cups which is truly saying a lot.  Technically I *should* love them more but I do know some people that don't get along as well with their family as I do mine.  I've been told that the relationship I have with my sisters is a rare and beautiful thing.  I agree.  Life turns interesting when we're together.  We act goofier and may get on the nerves of the people around us but we could really care less.

At the beginning of October we were all together.  This is rare as we live in Ohio, Wisconsin and South Carolina.  Living this far apart sucks popcorn balls so when we do see each other it's very special.  I'm still waiting on my brother-in-law Eric to get rich and buy a jet so we can save on airfare.  Below is a peek into some of things that are said while we hang out.  These are actual quotes from our weekend in Wisconsin.  You are privileged.  Enjoy.

Leah: Do the people that live here full time have a nickname?
Eric: Yes, residents

Liz: Can you stop sticking your hand down my pants?
Eric: nope

Sarah: I'd rather have no memories than crappy ones

Liz: I'm quite the fisher-lady

Leah: Do you want chocolate in your bottom?  (we were making coffee and mixing in hot choc powder)

Sarah: I gotta pee
Leah: Is that why you're humping the counter?

Leah: I think I'm drooling but I can't tell (eating s'mores)

Sarah to Leah about a makeout session she had in high school: All four of you were making out?

Liz: I've got thighs like a horse (I have *no* idea what this was in reference to)

We also wrote down some quotes where it deserved a "that's what she said".  I'm not sure you're strong enough to handle this list so I'll save it for a day when I'm feeling more sassy.

The statue behind us is an Indian Chief.  We're so disrespectful.

Later Gators.  